Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Pandora is a beautiful website. It is a website that allows you to pick an artist or song, and it finds other muic of the time similar to it using a program called the music genome project. I have been using Pandora for close to two years now, not only to listen to musicp I knew I liked, but to explore new music as well. This seems like it may be useless in a classroom, but it can be relevant in many ways. Music educators can use it as a free way to show students full songs from certain eras such as the baroque or romantic eras. If an English educator is teaching Reservation Blues by Sherman Alexie, he could use Pandora music to show them different traditional Native-American music, as well as music similar to the blues of Robert Johnson (a very important character in the book.) It is not hard to learn to use: get on the website, type in a song or artist from the era or genre you want to discover, and pandora will get it ready for you.

My Pandora Page


  1. I have this as an application on my iPhone and agree about how using in the classroom can teach about music in different eras, I never thought about that.

  2. That's a great idea (to use it to teach about different eras) Kids love music, and I think this tool could definitely be used to capture their attention! Good job!

  3. I have tried this site and I enjoy it as well. I like how they relate your type of music and play songs that are similar.

  4. I have never used it, but I can see how it would be useful to music educators. Music does not get enough emphasis in school. :(

  5. Donny- It really doesn't. It's quite sad.
