Tuesday, February 9, 2010

About Me

This is my very first blog posting... very exciting.

My name is Kevin Moore, and Iam an English education undergraduate student at IUPUI. My life probably doesn't seem to exciting to anyone except me, but I love it. I am a musician and I play guitar, bass, drums, and try to play keyboard. My passion is singing and songwriting. I am in a band called The Lyon Cinema. I am also a nerd at heart... I collect comic books, watch anime, star trek, play Dungeons and Dragons, and even speak Klingon. I like to have fun, but I am very serious when it comes to school. I am very glad to have the opportunity to take part in this class, and to be an IUPUI student.

DaHjajaj QaQ Daghajjaj!!! (Have a great day!!!- Klingon)

My technology paper is posted at this website

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