Friday, March 26, 2010


Podcasts are interesting things, because they can be used by anyone. Podcasts are simply online mp3 posts that discuss some topic. They can be used for relaying information, entertainment, how-to-do manuals, you name it. The only real past I have had with podcast before this assignment was the Onion Radio News podcast from Itunes, however I had absolutely no problem with this assignment. All I used was windows sound recorder and FreeRip converter. It  is very simple, and alot of fun. All you need in order to create your own podcast is a computer, a microphone, and a wav to mp3 converter. Be warned, podcasting seems to be very addicting, after one podcast I wanted to create an entire series. Have a nice day and happy podcasting!

Here's a post of my first podcast!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Social Bookmarking

Here is a link to my work with social bookmarking